Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips, Anybody?

We have 3 sleeps till our trip for two weeks in NZ. Just wonder if anyone's got any cunning advice or tips for o/s travel with a crawling 10 month old. We're going to Canterbury Faire, so sleeping in a dorm's probably going to be interesting, as we won't have a porta-cot with us.


worldpeace and a speedboat said...

oh lordy. I suggest getting someone to drive you to the nearest Salvos and buying a second hand cot, then donate it back when you leave. well worth the effort and money...

DV said...

Do you want a portacot?
we have one you're more than welcome to.
Other than that, put a leash on her and chain her to a stake so she can't get too far. Just dress her up in a puppy dog suit and no-one will be the wiser and no-ne need call DOCS.

fliss said...

fingers crossed for you that it all goes well. When the 5yr old did the grand outback family tour at 13 months the only piece of specific stuff that came with us was the port-a-cot - and it was worth the hassle & baggage allowance. Sleeping, playpen, general containment device so that mum could use 2 hands...
We got everyone else to sort out car seats etc. Obviously imposing on family is a lot easier than dealing with a dorm SCA event... Be prepared for the only time for little ones to sleep in aircraft is on the way back down just after the seatbelt sign has been put on. This is at the point where you have been completely jollied out. Take it in turns so you don't go mad.... Do not rely on airlines to provide anything for small children - pack your own food & drinks for the bub. BYO earplugs so that at least one of you at a time gets some decent rest...

Mindy said...

Take something that she sleeps with and is familiar with, like a blanket or sheet. That way when you are trying to get her to sleep she recognises something that she normally sleeps with at home. I haven't tried this yet, but it's a travel tip I picked up somewhere that sounds like a good idea.

DV said...

We take olivers ding-da-da-ding machine everywher with us and one of his stuffed toys that he sleeps with. The ding-da-da-ding machine is a little rotatey music machine taht was once part of a mobile that he soon could reach. now it lives on the dresser next to his cot and is wound up when he's put to bed.
it seems to work.

Wenchilada said...

Thanks everybody :)
The B&B of Southron Gaard have managed to score us a portacot, so half the battle's dealt with. We fly out later tonight, landing in Christchurch at 0040hrs. I suspect this'll throw things a bit out of whack as well as the 2 hour time-zone thingo (God, I'm vague and already sleep-deprived...this is gonna be fun!).

We're staying with relos in Nelson for about a week, so at least we're not chopping and changing with where we're sleeping.

I'll probably update my LJ if I get the opportunity so keep an eye out there.

C ya!