Thursday, January 31, 2008

SCA frocks to a good home - size 1

I've got two quite nice frocks that neither of my girls can use. If anyone knows of a good home for them let me know. There are two frocks, 2 linen shifts and a cap suitable for size 0-1.


Bliss said...

Meaghan, If they would fit Gabriella I would be happy to take them as I haven't gotten around to garb for her and I have a couple of events coming up over the next few months. If someone in Sydney needs them more I am happy to pass.
love Bliss

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

anyone got any boy stuff which might fit the Dinghy for festival? just throwing it out there... :)

Mousicles said...

Perhaps we need to have a sewing session for the boys. Tops has promised little roman sandals for Mr J. We could have matching roman boys.

Squee! Lemming toddler livery!!!

Meaghan said...

Bliss - I think they'll fit Gabrielle so I'll send them down, happy for them to get some use

spyder said...

Sadly AJ is such a runt (or I finally figured out how big to make costumes last beyond one year)
that his 15thc stuff still fits. He wore it yesterday and man, did he look cute ....if not a teensy tiny bit gay.
I did keep patterns of the shirt, jack and watchcoat,if your interested in building a set of your own.



DV said...

oo yes please spyd

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

yes, definitely sypd, Nanna and I can draft but it'd be soooo much easier to have yours :)

spyder said...

Will send them up to Fight Club with the next round of bodices.
(man, I soo love long distance fiiting. Not.)

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

or I can pick 'em up soon

spyder said...

Patterns winging there way to Sydney- Speedy you can also take a copy of them when you're down here if that suits better.