Friday, October 27, 2006

You know that pole in Pers' room? It's not a structural beam...

Actually, I have no idea why it's there. But hell, at least it'll save me having to trawl the net looking for one of these when it is time for Persi to commence her pole dancing classes at the tender age of 5. Dressed as a skanky ho.



worldpeace and a speedboat said...

a) I always wondered if it was a heating flue. or a transporter to an alternate dimension.

b) WTF!!!! in the toys and games section!!! what were they ON? if mummy wants to be a scanky ho for daddy, well, good luck and etc. I think the concept's dodgy as, but if it's consensual, fair enough... but putting it in a toy catalogue it well and truly f@cked.

Wenchilada said...

It is sickening, isn't it?!