Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I believe I can fly

Ready for to taxi down the run way. Requesting permission to take off.
Right Mum, ready to fly. If only I knew how...


DV said...


worldpeace and a speedboat said...

oh Min, so cute. I took photies of the Dunghy doing the same back in august... he took me by surprise!

I wish I had've had a camera about a month ago round at Tina's when Dinghy and Persi were aeroplaning. they were a mirror-image of each other. Wenchy had the rain-maker and was shaking it in between them, and they were quivering with excitement and planing like crazy. sooo cute :)

Wenchilada said...

Whee! That's really sweet. I was going to say about Dinghy and Pers planing, but I see Speedie beat me to it.